15 July 2011

Witness 1.2 ready for Lion

After releasing Undercover 4.5 two weeks ago, we are now completing our Lion compatibility lineup with Witness 1.2. Besides providing full compatibility with Lion, Witness fixes a couple of other issues. We recommend all our Witness users to upgrade to version 1.2. Simply download the installer from the Witness website and run it.

UPDATE: Some users are reporting issues with alarm activation on Lion. We are looking into these issues, and we will release a fix as soon as possible.


Vasile said...

I'm having trouble cleaning up after the uninstallation. The uclocator service is still active. How do I remove it from the launchd configuration ?

Anonymous said...


Uclocator is part of Undercover, not of Witness.
You may remove it from the launched config by removing it from /Library/LaunchAgents.


Vasile said...

Thanks Peter, and sorry for posting under Witness